Fish fry is such a popular recipe that it is available every where near the shores and the restaurants. In Chennai, marina beach, if you visit, you can see the dewellers selling fish fry, with varities of fish. They give you bread to accompany it, but it is not needed, just like that can be eaten. The fish will be arranged neatly and it is marinated in the red paste (colour is added) and to see it is tempting. In Chennai for fish they call meen in tamil, each deweller will be shouting meen, to attract the customers.
In resturants when you order for the fish fry majority will be king fish (vangaram in tamil) or pomfret fish. This time iam going to show you one more tempting fish fry. Already I have shown you some varities in fish fry, this one is different as it is spicy and sour as tamarind and lemon juice is added. The ingredients are few and easily available in the kitchen. I have taken 2 small whole pomfret fishes.

  • Whole pomfret fish – 2
  • Oil – for frying
  • Marinade
  • Chilli powder – 3 tsp
  • Tamarind paste (concentrated) – 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
  • Oil – 1 tsp
  • Salt – as required
  • Wheat flour (optional) – 1 tbsp
  • First clean the fish and make slits on it, so that marinate can penetrate nicely.
  • Now take a plate add chilli powder, tamarind paste, lemon juice, salt, mix well, if water is required then add little water.
  • If you want can add biryani colour, for that reddish colour, how we get in resturants, I have not added.
  • The marinate should not be very thick or very thin, it should be in such a consistency that it is easy to apply on fish, can see in the picture.
  • Can mix flour for more crispy texture and the marinate gets well coated to the fish because of the flour.
  • Now take a pan add few tsp of oil, when it gets hot, place the fish gently, after few min turn the fish, when one side is propery fried.
  • Fry the fish other side also well, in between turn the flame to low , if it gets heated very high , otherwise the fish will burn.
  • The fish will get darker colour because of tamarind and lemon juice.
  • It will take 12 to 15min, depending upon the fish size.
  • Do not turn the fish immediately, otherwise the fish marinate can come out or can stick to the pan, when it is lightly roasted can turn.
  • When the oil is hot, place the fish you can hear the sizzling sound.
  • Do not burn the fish like me as, one of the fish I just overcooked it, because I was on the phone, be careful while frying the fish.
  • You can adjust with tamarind and lemon juice also.



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